This What You'll Receive Each Month!

 Two posts per day (ten weekly posts) at optimal times

Eight hours of management per week.

Hashtag and target audience research.

Up to five social media channels

(Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Linkedin, TikTok, etc.)

Includes graphics, photo retouching, and branding.

Includes a 12-month Social Media Strategy

Two Email Marketing Campaigns

Animated posts in Instagram stories

Two Written Blogs 1000-1200 words

Company specific Branding Deck

Three Lead Generation Ad Campaigns

Sign-up Fee Waived

*All services are al la carte according to the needs of the client. Monthly analytics are submitted at the end of each month along with weekly updates. SEO, photoshoots, video editing, audience engagement, graphic design, ad spending, additional campaigns, and outreach are additional costs that can be added to monthly plans. Membership fees apply separately.

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